Photos Tomioka Japanese city after a nuclear explosion caused tsunami

Tomioka total silence blanketed the city, which lie?s within a radius of 20km from the Fukushima nuclear power plant installations. There is no life, only a few pets are trying to survive without the help of his master.
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A total of 52 thousand residents in this city to leave the city, after March last year, some leaked nuclear reactor after quake and tsunami. The city is left abandoned, with no one dared to go, fearing exposure to high levels of radiation.

Vehicles, homes, and abandoned pets. The city that's like a ghost town, deserted and silent.
Radiation levels in the city also has not improved. Just for a moment in this town, the level of radiation detected on the body reaches 0042 millisieverts per hour or 10 times higher than the X-ray

 Looking at his form now, it may be difficult to imagine that the small town of Tomioka in Japan once occupied by 52 thousand people. Currently, the city was deserted, leaving only the homes that can no longer be habitable.

At the entrance to the city, dozens of police officers on guard. Plastered big writing 'Go. Do not enter ', complete with flashing red lights. Indicates the area stamped unclean man.

The city was empty due to leaking nuclear reactors Fukushima tragedy after the tsunami last year. Tomioka who entered into a radius of 20 kilometers from the location, had to be emptied, in case of high radiation levels that are harmful to human body.

As reported by CNN, Wednesday, January 25, 2012, makes high-level radi?oactive nuclear radius zone is practically inaccessible. Even the officers who guar?d along the zone until toward Tomioka must wear special clothing for their safety.

Tomioka, formerly known as urban agriculture and industry is now like a ghost town where time seemed never to walk. Bicycles and cars are parked awaiting their owners. Supermarkets seem cluttered with stuff on his shelves, scattered due to earthquake shocks.

None detected signs of life here. The sight that met throughout the city Tomioka implies life has ever existed, but as if all living beings who ever lived there vanished.

If you went to Tomioka using two radiation detectors, both of them certainly will react. Deeper into the city, the detector showed that the higher radiation levels.

Compared to other cities located on the north and northwest of Fukushima Daiichi plant, Tomioka is located in the south does have the lowest radiation levels. But does not mean safe for long in Tomioka, especially for children.

Just for a moment in this town, the level of radiation detected on the body reaches 0042 millisieverts per hour or 10 times higher than the X-ray No wonder if it is obligatory to wear protective uniforms when visiting this city.

Can not be certain when the residents can return to their homes. Conditions at Fukushima nuclear installations is also still far from good. The t?eam of the company Tepco still trying to cope with leaks. They are only one option, shut down the reactor. But it's also not an easy job, need yearly until it is completely extinguished.